Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday 3rd April

Project Day - Friday 3rd April 

Shoes Shoes Shoes!
Time to get creative and use your imagination!
Following on from the video ‘The Little Shoemaker’, you can design and create your own pair of shoes, which you would love to wear. 
Draw, colour and label your pair of shoes in your home learning journal. If you want to and can make a model of your shoes. I look forward to receiving a photo of your wonderful shoes!
Things to think about: style(trainers, heels, flats, boots or sandals), colourand accessories (laces, light up…) 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thursday 2nd April

Writing - Thursday 2nd April 

Identify the correct punctuation to use. 

Reading - Thursday 2nd April 

Time to read!
Read your school reading book or share a book you enjoy with someone at home. 
Below are a list of websites to access books which you can read or listen to: 

Maths - Thursday 2nd April 

Find the missing numbers.

Wednesday 1st April

Writing - Wednesday 1st April

Re-watch 'The Little shoemaker'
Write your own set of instructions about how to make a pair of magic shoes. 
Remember to include all the features of instructions. 

Reading - Wednesday 1st April

Maths - Wednesday 1st April

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday 31st March

Writing - Tuesday 31st March

Write the correct adverb into the missing gaps.

Reading - Tuesday 31st March

Let’s get reading!
Take the opportunity to sign up to and access oxford owl:
It is free. It is a fantastic resource to use with a wide range of books to read as well as listen too. As well as access to phonics activities and maths games.

Let’s spread the positivity!
Design and make your own rainbow to put in your window for everyone to see who is passing by. The rainbows aim is to make people smile while they are walking by and offer a message of hope.
Please send in photos of your rainbows in your windows! Look forward to seeing them. 

Maths - Tuesday 31st March

Draw the coins to make each given amount

E.g. 50p = 20p + 20p + 10p

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday 30th March

Writing - Monday 30th March

Watch the clip 'The little shoemaker' 

Re-write the ending and change what happens.

Reading - Monday 30th March

Read the following text ‘All about spring’ and answer the questions in full sentences.
Extra question: What do you enjoy most about the spring season and why?

Maths - Monday 30th March 

Add each number to the number line and then write which number is greater than to less than.

Complete the challenge once finished.

Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis