Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday 22nd May

Happy Friday! 

Project Day.

For today’s project day, draw or make a lion mask. 

Think about the shape, colour and details. 

To support you with drawing your lion, watch and following the steps on the videos below:

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday 21st May

The learning challenge for today is: Music

All sorts of noises can be made from your own body.
Watch the clip and discover how you can make different sounds using your body.

Once you have watched the video, complete the activity below:

·       Activity: Practise making sounds with different parts of your body.

If you like, you can take a video of you creating different sounds using your body and email it to our class email.


Missing poster
Create a missing poster for the lion from the story.

Remember to include:
·       Picture of the lion
·      Title
·      Adjectives
·      Conjunctions (and, so, but)
·       Capital letter and full stops.



Read a book of your choice then ask someone at home to read some of the following questions for you to answer.
These comprehension questions will support and deepen your understanding of the story you have read. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday 20th May

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: History

Explore the information about Neil Armstrong:




Create a fact file about your favourite author. Use the template below to support you. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Adding two-digit numbers

Hello everyone!

I have made a quick video to help you with adding two digit numbers at home. 

Feel free to take a look and try it for yourself!

Miss Davis 

Tuesday 19th May

Good morning Elm Class!

The Curriculum Challenge for today is :Geography

Watch the following clips on the link above about Uncle Bob’s travels to Nigeria in Africa. 

Then complete the following tasks at the bottom of the website.

·     Activity 1: Do you remember what we saw in Nigeria 
Activity 2: Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures


Think about our story for this week ‘How to hide a lion’.
Iris has trouble hiding the lion in her house, but where would you hide a lion in your house?
Remember to explain why.

Once you have written your sentence you can draw a picture of the lion hiding in your house. 



Read a book of your choice and then choose an activity to complete. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Creative Castles!

I have received some amazing pictures and models castles over the weekend and I wanted to share them with all of you. 
I am very impressed with the hard work that you are all putting in. 

You are doing a great job Elm Class!

Monday 18th May

Good Morning!

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Science

The curriculum challenge for today is:

Watch the clip about materials and their basic properties.

Activity 1: Sort the objects
Use the online resource below the video to sort each object into the material they are made from.
Activity 2:
Walk around your home and see if you can tell which material different objects are made from.
Think about why that material was chosen.


Watch the clip of the story ‘How to hide a lion’. 

Think about the key events of the story and use the story map template to draw and write about each event.

Remember to use:
·      Capital letters and full stops.
·     Time conjunctions (first, next, then, finally)
·     Adjectives

·     Verbs



Read the following text ‘Sunflower Plant Life Cycle’ and answer the questions in full sentences. 

Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis