Friday, June 26, 2020

Google classroom - notice

Good morning, 
I hope you are all well. 

We have decided that as of Monday 29th June we will be placing all home learning tasks including, writing, maths and reading onto Google classroom.

Google classroom can be accessed by all children using their individual email and password which was emailed out to each parent email. If you are unsure of your log in details, please feel free to email the class email at:

We are confident that the google classroom will allow children to not only access their home learning but also have face to face time with their teacher and also other children from their class. We will be starting regular ‘meets’ and also virtual lessons that your children can access on a daily basis. We are asking that your children continue to complete tasks on paper and hand write their work in order to keep develop their handwriting. Photos can be taken of their work and uploaded to the google document provided for each task.

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch.

Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.

Miss Davis 

Friday 26th June

Project Day

Make your own treasure map that leads you to the secret treasure. Remember to use lots of different colours and include an X marks the spot.
 Here is a tea staining video to help stain your paper:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thursday 25th June

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: PSHE


Tom has written us a message in a bottle!
Write a letter back to him telling him all about Poplars Farm Primary School and our class.



Re watch the story ‘Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins’ and write down what you like about the story and what you dislike. Make sure you provide reasons for your answers using the word ‘because’. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday 24th June

The Curriculum Challenge today is: History

Who was Boudicca?
Watch the clip below. What facts can you find out about Boudicca?


Re-read this week’s story ‘The Night Pirates’ and look for the different adjectives that are used within the book.
Write down each adjective and use them each in a sentence. 
E.g. The brave and sleepy boy went on an adventure



Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Google classroom

Hi Elm!

I just wanted to send a quick message about the google 'meet' tomorrow at 10:30am on google classroom. 

Once you access the google classroom there will be a 'meet' link at the top of the page and once you click that we should hopefully all be able to see each other!

Hope to see you there!

Miss Davis 

Tuesday 23rd June

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Geography 

The Curriculum Challenge for today is, but please make sure you complete the reading, writing and maths tasks first.

Complete the following activities which are at the bottom of the website:
Activity 1: Do you remember what Freya and Rodge saw in Rio De Janeiro.
Activity 2: Design your own costume for the Rio de Janeiro carnival.

Compare Tom’s bedroom to your own bedroom
Draw a picture of your bedroom and write the similarities and differences. 



Watch the following story ‘Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins’ and change the ending of the story and draw a picture to show your different ending.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday 22nd June

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Science 

The Human Body
Watch the BBC clip all about the human body:

Once you have watched the clip, list the parts of the body that you can remember.


Watch the clip about our new story ‘The Night Pirates’

Write a character description based around one of the main characters:
·       Tom
·      Captain Patch 



Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis