Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday 15th May

Project Day!

Draw and design your own tower/ castle.
Think about: who could live in the castle, the colour and structure.

Remember to send me your pictures to post on the blog!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday 14th May

The curriculum Challenge for today is: PSHE

How to be a good friend.

Building friendships are very important part of learning and school life.
Watch the videos on the link above then complete the two activities at the end of the website.

Activity 1:Thinking about who a child’s friends are.

Activity 2: How can I be a good friend?


Castle for sale!

Think of your own castle using your imagination. Think about all the features it could have. For example: ‘My beautiful castle has 22 large bedrooms and a huge swimming pool in the garden’. 

Write a description to help sell you castle. Try and persuade the reader that your castle is the best!



For today’s reading task, take the opportunity to read your home school book, share a book with someone at home, access oxford owl or the reading websites below.
Let’s keep reading!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday 13th May

The curriculum Challenge for today is: History

Please complete the writing, maths and reading task first. 

Click on the link and explore the information about the Great Fire of London.
Explore the children’s games when you have finished.


Write a setting description using the picture from ‘the clock tower’ clip.
Remember to use the different features. 
  • What can you hear, smell, taste, touch and see?



Choose a book of your choice and design a new front cover.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Tuesday 12th May

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Geography 
Introduction to Europe – France
Click the link above to watch the videos about Uncle Bob’s trip around France.
Once you have watched the videos, complete the two activities at the bottom of the website. 
Activity 1: Do you remember what we saw in France?
Activity 2:Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures

 Identify the different features of the setting description 

Colour each feature in a different colour. 

How many can you find?



Monday 11th May

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Science 

Healthy Eating

Task:Watch the clip about healthy eating.

Create your own lunchbox using healthy food. Remember to keep a balanced diet. 


Identify the correct punctuation that should be used in each sentence. 


Remember to count down and along.


Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis