Friday, April 24, 2020

Amazing work from Elm Class!

Thank you for continuing to send me your amazing work! I can see you are all working very hard a home with your projects. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday 24th April

Project Day!

Design and/or build your own house which is strong enough so that the big bad wolf will not be able to blow it down.

Think about the structure and the materials which you would use and why.
Questions to think about:What material would be the strongest to make the structure of the house? Straw, sticks, wool, bricks.…
What features are you going to include e.g. door, windows, and chimney?

Useful Resource

The website above is an online resource hub that has lots of useful activities and resources for Year 2 if you would like to access it at home with your children. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Thursday 23rd April


Read through the text and find where the capital letters should be.



Choose a book either your reading book, a book at home or a book online. 
Read it carefully and complete the following tasks from A – E.

Wednesday 22nd April


Write a detailed character description about one of the three houses from the story. 
Remember to use adjectives.



For today’s reading task, take the opportunity to read your home school book, share a book with someone at home or access oxford owl or any of the reading websites below. 
Let’s keep reading!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Tuesday 21st April


Y2– using ‘because’
Read each sentence. Re-write each sentence using ‘because’ to connect them together. 


Remember to count along and then count down to find your multiplication.

For example: 6 x 4 = 


Look at the different book activities in the table below, 
Choose two activities to complete for your reading task.

I look forward to seeing your creative ideas!

Monday 20th April

Welcome back!
I hope you have all had a great Easter break.


Watch the clip of ‘The three little pigs’ 
Draw a story map for the key events that happen. Use time conjunctions to show what happens; 
·      First
·      Next, 
·      Then
·      After that 
·      Finally


Odd and Even numbers.

Choose one maths activity to complete at home.


Read the following traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and answer the questions in full sentences. 

Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis