Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday 18th May

Good Morning!

The Curriculum Challenge for today is: Science

The curriculum challenge for today is:

Watch the clip about materials and their basic properties.

Activity 1: Sort the objects
Use the online resource below the video to sort each object into the material they are made from.
Activity 2:
Walk around your home and see if you can tell which material different objects are made from.
Think about why that material was chosen.


Watch the clip of the story ‘How to hide a lion’. 

Think about the key events of the story and use the story map template to draw and write about each event.

Remember to use:
·      Capital letters and full stops.
·     Time conjunctions (first, next, then, finally)
·     Adjectives

·     Verbs



Read the following text ‘Sunflower Plant Life Cycle’ and answer the questions in full sentences. 

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Google classroom

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder that all of the tasks are now being posted on google classroom. Miss Davis